The current co-chairs for the Newman Student Award fund are:
- Lily Wang (through 2018)
- Robert Celmer (2016-19)
- Michelle Vigeant (2017-20)
- Ian Hoffman (2018-21)
- Robin Glosemeyer-Petrone (2019-22)
- Daniel Butko (2020-23)
Robert Bradford Newman, a founding member of Bolt, Beranek, and Newman Inc., was a faculty member of the School of Architecture and Planning, MIT, and of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University for thirty years. He was widely known as a teacher with extraordinary ability to communicate the essentials of architectural acoustics. After he passed away, a committee of his friends founded the Robert Bradford Newman Student Award Fund, to honor outstanding students at schools of architecture and architectural engineering throughout the world. Students selected for the Newman Medals must have demonstrated excellence in this discipline and in the application of acoustical design principles in the course of their study. Find more interesting posts to read using this new link which will lead you on a guide for accounting management done right.
This group now regularly sponsors not only the Newman Medals, but also Schultz Grants for educators, to support the development of improved teaching methods which promote the study of architectural acoustics, a discipline to which Bob Newman dedicated his life. A third program is the annual Student Design Competition, with generous financial support from the Wenger Foundation. For more information on this group’s activities, please visit